

主演:Bernard  Hill  

导演:Phil Chapman  Gavin Maxwell  


美丽中国 剧照 NO.1美丽中国 剧照 NO.2美丽中国 剧照 NO.3美丽中国 剧照 NO.4美丽中国 剧照 NO.5美丽中国 剧照 NO.6美丽中国 剧照 NO.13美丽中国 剧照 NO.14美丽中国 剧照 NO.15美丽中国 剧照 NO.16美丽中国 剧照 NO.17美丽中国 剧照 NO.18美丽中国 剧照 NO.19美丽中国 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-10-08 20:11


  从灯火通明的大都市,到人烟稀少的深山老林;从广阔无垠的大草原,到人迹罕至的沙漠戈壁;从长年积雪的高海拨山区到一望无际的平原;从浩瀚大地到碧海蓝天……中国,这片古老而又神奇的土地,囊括了多种特质的地貌,哺育着各族儿女,也孕育着各类珍奇野兽,奇花异草。这次,通过镜头,我们去探访散落在这片土地上的美丽奇景。沿着长江流域,去看喀斯特地貌造就的奇石怪林;去云南的热带雨林,寻找亚洲野象、滇金丝猴;来到青藏高原,奔赴内蒙草地,攀爬山脉,眺望西部边陲。这里,是你我熟悉又陌生的美丽中国。  本片是CCTV和BBC第一次联合摄制的作品,历时4年拍摄,使用了航拍、红外、高速、延时和水下等先进摄影技术。一共六集,分别为《富饶华南》、《彩云之南》、《青藏高原》、《长城以外》、《龙之疆域》和《喧闹海岸》。


 1 ) 我看就很单纯





[Wild China]中的镜头,就运动而言,真的很漂亮。洞里蝙蝠划水那段、草原赛马、春节舞龙、候鸟迁徙…………



 2 ) 献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国

我为题头那一句话感动:谨以此献给我们多灾多难但美丽依旧的祖国。 这一套纪录片一共六集,第一集《龙之心》内容为中国的南方,稻米生产区,包括广西、贵州、四川。第二集《香格里拉》自然是讲的云南,第三集《西藏》的内容为西藏加青海,第四集《万里长城的塞外风光》讲长城以北,从黑龙江到新疆喀什,从赫哲人到哈萨克人。第五集《熊猫之地》,主要场景在秦岭,内容为熊猫、朱鹮、金丝猴,九寨沟,第六集《潮汐更迭》,是从北到南的海岸线。 这部纪录片里,人是配角,野生动物才是主角,小到一只飞蛾那么小的蝙蝠,大到伟大的熊猫,人的主要功能是能不能和人自然和谐相处,如果能,那么可以露个脸,如果不能,那就是上海霓虹灯后面的模糊影子。出镜的都是什么人呢?漓江上划着竹筏用鱼鹰捕鱼的渔人,浙江青田龙现村的稻田养鱼者,贵州洞穴小学的学生们,冰封的黑龙江上骑着自行车钓鱼的赫哲人,最后几个还在养鹿的鄂温克人,游牧的蒙古人,吐鲁蕃种葡萄用坎儿井的维族人,看护扬子鳄的老太太,崇明岛上用网捕鸟的猎场看守,北京天坛早起的遛鸟人……与这些相对的,是北京春天滚滚的黄沙,挖土机,在建的高楼,上海的车流,喧闹的夜,广州蛇餐馆剥蛇皮煮蛇羹的妇女,用剪刀剪着晒干的蛤蚧头的中药店店员……世界上一半的水泥倒进了中国的建筑工地,长江是太平洋最大和单一的污染源。 美丽。镜头无处不在地说着美丽二字。BBC自然历史制作小姐和央视合作,花了三年时间拍出的高清纪录片,从卫星到航拍至微拍,告诉观众一个如此美丽的中国。第一集开始的一组镜头,漓江上的渔火,由浓到淡的色彩,就是中国水墨山水画,配的音乐是二胡独奏。 我为摄影师温柔的视角而感动,为他们为等一个美丽的落日在冬天的东北一等十多天的认真而感动,要非常非常爱这些生物动物和植物才会投入这么多的精力和时间。过去几千年,我们和自然相处融洽,而这五十年,世界因我们而改变,没有更好,只有更坏。

 3 ) 摘录其中对我有用的句子和词。

the first episode of BBC wild china -- heart of dragon, tells us how the wild life in southern china and the local people live together in a harmony in this remarkable magic landscape.

50 distinct ethic groups, many of them live often in close partnership with nature.China is home to the wold's highest mountains, vast desert ranging from searing hot to mind-numbing cold. Steaming rainforest harbouring rare creatures. Grassy plains beneath vast horizons. And rich tropical seas.

the scenery of paddy in sourthern china is the recurring motif in chinese paintings. it is a landscape of hills and water.
in the plain of Yangzhi River, black-tailed godwits probe the mud in search of worms.

rice planting
The Chinese have been cultivating rice for at least 8000 years. In sourthern part of Yunnan, Yuanyang, numberous stacked terraces have been carved out by the local people using basic digging tools, and still gloughed with the help of domesticated water buffaloes. This rice terraces are one of the amazing engineering feats in China. It seems that each inch of land is impressed by cultivation.

The Chinese pond heron, a pitiless predator would prey for the male paddy frogs, while they are competing for the attention of the females.
As the heron can swallow one frag at one time, the vast majority will escape to croak another day.

With every inch of fertile land given over to rice cultivation, the Miao build their wooden houses on the steepest and least productive hillsides.
There is some surprising help at hand to predict the right time for rice planting -- the house swallow. Miao people believe the birds' arrival predicts the timing of the season ahead.
in china, many animals are valued as much for their symbolic meaning as for any good they may do.

We miao people believe that swallow pairs remain faithful for life. So their presence is a favour and a blessing bringing happiness to a marriage and good luck to a home.
for rice cultivation, first, the seedings must be prepared in the nursery beds for several weeks. and then at a ordained time in early spring, they ware uprooted from the nursery beds, bundled up and then transplanted into the paddies. In some areas, the rice paddies would also raise some kind of fish --gold carps. during the rest of the time, the paddies need to be irrgated, fertilized regularly, and when the rice need to be joggled when they blooms, so as to get better pollination. then, when the time for the harvest comes, the crops are cut down manually or by machine, and the korns would then be separated from the crops, which would finally turn into rice.
 this vast area of China, the size of France and Spain combined is famous for its clusters of conical hills, the karst, a limestone terrain, which has become the defining image of southern China.
the people who live here are among the poorest in China.

over many thousands of years, water has corroded its way, deep into the heart of the bedrock itself.

the Chinese are fond of curiously-shaped rocks, many have been given fanciful names, no prizes for guessing what this one is called.

thousands of carvens are concealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst.

Fed by countless drips and trickles, the subterranean river carves deeper into the rock. But even a weakness in the rock can allow the river to increase its gradient and flow-rate, providing a real challenge for the cave explorers.

The downward rush is halted when the water table is reached. Here the slow-flowing river carves tunnels with a more rounded profile.

Stalactites form as trickling water deposites tiny quantities of rock over hundreds or thousands of years. Stalagmites grow up where lime-laden drips hit the cave floor.

The cave river's course is channeled by the beds of limestone.

these monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbers from the time they learn to walk.
then theses sociable swifts also give rich guano to the local farmers. And they never stray further than the limits of the daylight.
But bats are better equipped for subterranean life. They use ultrasonic squeaks to orientate themselves in the darkness. This mouse-eared bat specialises in catching fishes, tracking them down from the sound reflection of ripples on the water surface. Besides, they can also eat a slippery minnow fish with no hands while hanging upside down.

fisherman with their trained cormorants do the course on Li river. Before they release the birds, they tie a noose loosely around the neck of the cormorants. Underwater, the hunting instinct of cormorants kicks in, turning them into fish-seeking missiles.

In Caohai Lake, the fishermen single out the some kind of bugs --the young stage of gragonflies, the predators that feed on worms and tadpoles.

The soft-shelled turtle in one temple is said to be 400 years old, which is vanishingly rare.

Zhangjiajie, is one of the China's reserves, to proetct these nearly-extinct animals,such as giant salamander, known as the baby fish.

Anhui gets the ancestral home of China's largest and rarest reptile, a creature of mystery and legend.

In Huangshan, the Huangshan pines eptomise the strength and resilience of nature, some of these trees are thought to be over 1000 years old. Below these granite peaks, steep forested valleys shelter surprising inhabitants, Huangshan macaques. These are quite social animals, who do a lot of grooming. They would shout and cry to warn the whole group whenever the Chinese moccasin, which is an ambush predator with a deadly bite is spotted

the time has come to bring in the harvest. These high-yield strain, boosted(滋养) by chemical fertilizers and reaped(收割) by combined harvesters.

in the terraces area in Zhejiang, people raise carps in the paddies. the beauty of this farming method is that it delivers two crops from the same filed at the same time, fish and rice.

by november, the northern china is becoming distinctly chilly, but the south is still relatively warm and welcoming. The Poyang reserve offers winter refuge for a quarter of a million birds from 100 species, creating one of southern China's finest wildlife experiences.
The siberian crane, known in china as the white crane, is seen as a symbol of good luck. These animals face the pressure from exploitation and competition with people over space and resources.
If China is living proof of anything, it is that the wildlife is surprisingly resilient. The rarest creature can return from the brink given the right help.
We show the will, nature will find the way

To the Chinese, the Tundra swans symbolise the essence of natural beauty. A
Chanting and dancing, 吟歌起舞

Nature is red in beak and claw 自然总是在喙与爪中变得血腥。

in Chinese rural life, everything has a use.

As evening approaches, an age-old ritual unfolds.当夜幕降临,一场古老的的仪式上演。
It does not always pay to draw too much attention to yourself. 吸引太多的注意并不一定能带来好的效果。

the hills slopes plunge 2000 meters to the floor of the Red River valley. plunge 是指插入, 但是这里是指山插入谷底。
Many hands make light work.

there is more to this landscape than meets the eye

exploring a cave is like taking a journey through time, a journey which endless raindrops will have followed over countless centuries.

a cosy niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator 一个高悬的庇护所,使得最激进的捕食者都束手无策

standing water 积水
godwit 鹬
probe 用探针探测
swamp 沼泽
domesticated 被驯养的
feat 壮举
ritual 仪式
beak 喙
claw 爪
croak 青蛙叫
manure 粪肥
tucking into a lunch 塞进午饭
chit-chat 聊天
ordained time 规定种植的时刻
hunt for food.
bamboo grove 竹林
end up as someone's dinner
egret 白鹭
water is scarce 缺水
erosion 侵蚀
a maze of 无数的
gully 小峡谷
gorge 峡
pinnacle 小尖塔
corrode 侵蚀
intrepid explorer 无畏的探险者
ultimate 终极的
course 过程,路线
gradient 梯度
stalactites 钟乳石
stalagmites 石笋
subterranean marvel 地底奇观
rugged limestone terrains 崎岖的石灰石地貌地带
groom each other 相互打扮
essentially vegetarian 不折不扣的素食主义者
vice-like grip 虎钳般的爪
cling on 抓着
bold 大胆的
steep terrain 陡峭的地带
female rule the roost 女性主宰栖息所
take the lead 带头
ooze water 渗出水分
trek 艰苦跋涉
boarder 寄宿生
a source of revenue 收入的来源
guano 鸟粪
never stray further 不再继续流浪
ultrasonic squeak 超声波
ripple 涟漪
missile 导弹
wriggle 蠕动的
downhearted 消沉
the bugs are singled out 小虫子也被挑选出来
tadpole 蝌蚪
dragonfly nymph 蜻蜓稚虫
abundant 丰富
not all wild life are so resilient
gourmet delicacy 美食家(认为的)好菜
be rounded up and eaten 被剿杀殆尽
be vanishingly rare 濒临灭绝
soaring sandstone pinnacle 飞扬的小尖峰
we will eat anything with legs except a table, and anything with wings except a plane.
crystal clear montain streams
bizarre animal 奇异的动物
distressed 悲伤时
amphibian 两栖动物
endangered 濒临灭绝的
the Land of fish and rice 鱼米之乡
on my trail 正在搜寻
alligator 扬子鳄
fend for themselves 保护自己
pine 松树
eptomise 象征
granite peak 花岗岩巅峰
he is not in the least bothered 他一点都不关心
ambush 埋伏的
venomous snake 剧毒蛇
serpent 蛇
viper 毒蛇
high-yield strain 高产特种
fledged swallows 羽翼刚满的燕子
rice are plump and ripe 稻子饱满待收
drain 排水
scale 鳞片
expanse 广阔区域
Siberia 西伯利亚
rice is a remarkable member of the grass family
exotic creature

once its cover is blown, the viper poses no threat to the monkeys

the house swollaw helps people

 4 ) 最可怕的

    很棒的摄影,很棒的视角,很棒的配乐。是目前所看过的最棒的记录片。最近也一直在关注“地球宣言”,请原谅挑起这不搭界的一根筋,主要是用“地球宣言”的残酷现实对比从“Wild China”的视角里看到的美丽中国,实在难以言表这种复杂情感。Wild China让你看到一个淳朴而美丽的中国,是我一直所理解的中国,我认为的让我为之骄傲的祖国就是这样的壮阔和美丽的,目前只看到5,甚至很怀疑这是不是六七十年代拍摄的?因为太美了,让人简直有些不可置信。

 5 ) 我们都不知道江山如此多娇


 6 ) 终于把Wild China下好了Orz一共13G……





Wild China其实是一部关于中国的食品记录片……看得我馋死了,野外有好多好吃的!(¯﹃¯)

Wild China里说中国人爱吃野味,但是政府不让非法捕猎,所以商家就去其他国家买,导致其他国家的野生动物减少……这也赖兔子啊?!不保护动物你们也说,保护动物你们也说,兔子真是擅长以各种姿势中枪。



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this is wild china。如此安详壮美如此神秘 。50多个国家级野生动植物和风景保护区、86种中国珍奇野生动植物和30多个民族生活故事,原始化的生存与自然互相依傍,三餐耕种是自给自足又充满愉悦的事情。拍摄是漫长而艰辛的,等待了几个星期的落日与路途中偶遇都是自然的礼物。

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