

主演:安吉里卡·休斯顿  琼·艾伦  




阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.1阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.2阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.3阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.4阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.5阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.6阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.13阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.14阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.15阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.16阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.17阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.18阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.19阿法隆的迷雾 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-11 17:04




 1 ) 命运半点不由人


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这版小莫选角好牛,阴鸷狠戾。他告诉亚瑟他的身世那段戏看得我爽死了,演的真好。第一句“I am your son”的时候他还不敢直视父亲,然后才敢转眼看亚瑟,又坚定地说出了第二遍“I, am your son”。他迫不及待地向亚瑟揭露残酷的真相,说到“you coupled with her”的时候他笑了,带着复仇的快感,我就是你们乱伦的产物,也是你唯一的继承人,这是你无法反驳的事实,是你永远无法洗清的罪恶。


 2 ) The Mists of Avalon

The movie “the mists of Avalon” is a very different movie to tell the Arthurian legends from the perspective of the female character including his mother Igraine; his half-sister Morgaine; his aunt Viviane, the Lady of the Lake and his wife, Gwenwyfar. The film also shows the decline of people’s faith in Avalon. The film is set in the period when Christian invaded England and people’s faith in Avalon gradually declined.
The distinction between this film and others is that rather than casting Arthur as a distant, unknown person with little or no explanation but from the perspective of the female characters to show a different Arthur. On the other hand, the focus of this film is Arthur’ sister, is presented as a woman with unique gifts and responsibilities at a time of enormous political and spiritual upheaval who is called upon to defend her indigenous matriarchal heritage against impossible odds. The film stands as a watershed for feminist interpretation of male-centered myth by articulating women's experiences at times of great change and shifts in gender-power. The typical battles, quests, and feuds of King Arthur's reign, however, act as secondary elements to the women's lives.

 3 ) clear away the mists of Avalon 拨开阿瓦隆的迷雾

       摩根,亚瑟同母异父的姐姐,从小背负着母亲害死父亲的事实,被设计与弟弟乱伦产子,被设计嫁给心爱的人的父亲,最后目睹弟弟与儿子的死亡,见证阿瓦隆的消亡。但命运的磨难并没有打倒她,她的心中装满了对亲人的爱,选择自己承担一切来保护弟弟,是一个坚强、智慧并充满纯真的女子。从母亲嫁给乌瑟潘龙到姐弟两个被梅林和薇薇安带走,中间这段天真烂漫无忧无虑的时光,是摩根心中渴望的东西,是她沉重的一生中少有的欢乐,但也衬托了后来的悲剧。坚强是她留给我的最深印象,不管遇到什么事情,甚至很多在我们看来根本无法接受的,她都默默承受了。很多时候,她会哭,或默默流泪,或嚎啕大哭,但从来不曾寻死觅活,不曾放弃爱放弃自我,而是一直在苦难背后寻找道路,在打击中磨练智慧。这种坚强,是很多男儿都不曾达到的,我甚至觉得亚瑟不过是生活在她的保护伞下的君王。她对神母的信仰才是一种真正的信仰,她曾对薇薇安大喊“我侍奉的是神母不是你!”。影片最终以“神母不过换了一个名字存在于人们心中”结束,正是揭示了宗教存在的意义,所谓宗教,所谓信仰,只是人们的心而已,她替薇薇安理解了什么叫做“all god is one god”。

      The story of King Arthur is a history and also a legend. Without regard to heavy mixed history and religious doctrines, only from this film, we can see the connection between the human nature and religious theology and conflict. We can also see the religious dark side behind the light.
       The life of Arthur's sister Morgan is the clue. And the story is stated through different typical characters and the connotation of it is hidden in the human nature.
Vivian, the goddess of lakes, the highest priestess of Avalon, in my opinion, has a morbid respect to goddess. She represents a kind of blind worship of religion, machiavellian and indifferent. She wants to control royal to maintain the status of Avalon. On the contrary, the Avalon goddess gradually is forgotten by people. I think Religion is only a kind of faith and a personal thing. Therefore, it is not a way to control people, or politics. Religious conflict between different religions is meaningless. Only the advantages of a religion was realized, can it exist forever. For example, not too good, when the Tai Ping movement burst in Qing dynasty, the leader Hong Xiuquan created a religion called “Baishangdi” and it was embraced by the masses of people. At the beginning, the Juntian thought was deeply rooted in the hearts of people, spontaneous to support his beliefs. Teachings later changed, becoming the speaking for the ruler, and failure followed. Besides, such as Christianity, missionaries spread it to the people, thus it widely circulated. Merlin said to Vivian when he died. Do not control people's beliefs by her power. Times are changing with evolution of religion. And the death of Avalon just means she has not been adapted by the new society. Her mind is not accepted by people in a new era. So, disappearance is a necessity.
     Morgan, Arthur's half sister, burdens the fact that her mother participated in killing his father since childhood, designed with brother incest, designed to marry her lover’s father, finally seeing brother and son's death, witnessing the death of Avalon. But fate doesn't beat her. Her heart is full of love. She chooses to undertake all to protect the younger brother. From my perspective, she is a tough, wise and pure woman. From mother married Uther to she and Arthur were taken away by the Merlin and Vivian, the middle period of childlike carefree time, is her rare joy in heavy life. But it is also the foil of later tragedy. Strong will is what she left me the deepest impression. No matter what things, even those we cannot accept a little, she silently bears. Most of the time, she would cry, or tears, or cry, but never attempt to suicide, never give up love or herself. She suffered them and found the future roads, using intelligence to fight. Lots of boys would never achieve this kind of strong will. I even think Arthur is a king under her umbrella. Her faith in god mother is a true belief. Once she yelled to Vivian "My service is god mother not you!" Film ends with "the goddess does not disappear but changes a name". It reveals the meaning of religious existence. The religion is just the hearts voice of people. She understands what is called "all god is one god" replacing Vivian.
       Morgause, Vivian's sister, from beginning to end, her ambition is never hidden. This reminds me of the old saying, “greed has no limits”. She and Vivian are essentially same, at least, in my opinion, just one for religion one for herself. Greed is one of human nature. And it is a deep-rooted bad habit. Greed is not a hate. But Machiavellian is. There's a phrase in the book, "the goddess has the fourth face, let's pray the Morgause will not wear it". It is obvious that she wear .No one is perfect, everyone has a dark side. The goddess is not exceptional. What is important is whether you can overcome it. Some people say that people is good at the beginning, but others say we are bad at the beginning. Actually we are the complex of conflict between good and evil. And dialectics is not only suitable to the thing but also to people. And most of the time we hope that the light can win darkness and we really need to do so.
      Finally, let's take a look at Arthur. I have to say the Arthur in the movie is the most inappreciative I have ever seen. Through him I realize that my life should be arranged by myself. Generally speaking, he is just a puppet, coward, and only following. Perhaps because of this, Vivian chooses him. His throne is with the help of Avalon, and his marriage is to maintain religious balance. His fate has been controlled by others, even won’t to pursue his lover only missing her at the bottom of heart as a souvenir. Found the truth about his son he just chooses to escape, letting the son do bad things. Eventually Morgan awakes him. Fate is a wonderful thing. Someone will control it, your will or other’s. Rather than become a puppet at the mercy of others, why not fight? Choose the future way on your will. For example, Han emperor Liuche, though real power has been controlled by his grandmother , never yielded. He struggled to find a way to, managed to obtain power, creating the brilliance of the Han dynasty. Recently I saw a film called “invictus”, telling the story of Nelson Mandela who refused to bow to the fate. Obviously, my fate is controlled by myself. Whether someone is noble or humble, the gear of his fate turns only by himself.
     I still give the film a "heavy" label ,perhaps because it tells the history and religion, perhaps because it is a tragedy. After watching it, something stuck in my heart. I can not help but think about I am how happy without the content of these heavy oppression and bondage. Calm down, you will find that in fact every characters in the movie can drive you to consider something. They produce many apocalypses, as mentioned above. Through the mist around the lingering Avalon , you can touch the spontaneous religious beliefs, the heart of the strong will, the greedy evil, and the control of fate, the pure love...Behind these mists of content, is worthy of our deep thinking.

 4 ) 亚瑟王 女性


 5 ) Beatuiful Quotes

Uther-Did l do something to disturb you, lady?
Igraine- l felt unwell, sir.
U- You left the moment you saw the dragon on my wrist.
I- l have no fear of dragons. l'm a child of the old world myself, sir.
U- Why do you call me ''sir'' in such a manner... when you know that we are on familiar terms?
I- We have not met before.
U- Not in this life...but like all of us of the old ways...you must believe this is not the only life where we could have met. There is something between our souls already. You felt the power of it...and that's why you left the hall. Am l right, lady? There's nothing to do but give in to it. lf you do not come with me, then l will come for you...

Vivianne- The Goddess is everything in nature...and everything in nature is sacred. Look. That is her face. Listen. That is her voice. She's in everything that is beautiful. And everything that is harrowing as well.

Morgaine- Your motives may be nobler than hers...but you still move us around like pieces on a game board. What has my mother given up for your Avalon? My father died at Uther's hands because of you. My poor, innocent brother, Arthur...

Gwenwyfar- God does not reward sinners.
Arthur- We are all sinners, my love.

Merlin- We had a long fight together...you and l. You have been a worthy partner.
Vivianne- I've learned everything l know from you, Merlin. We shall fight for many years to come.
M- No, l won't see any more wars. But you will continue. You have always...sacrificed everything for Avalon and done so gladly.
V- Merlin, do you think l've wasted my life?
M- No. We gave everything to Avalon because we had no choice.
V- But we failed.
M- No, we didn't fail. We did what we thought was right every single moment. Sometimes we were headstrong but we lived our lives with passion and commitment. We should be grateful for that. Viviane...find some happiness. Just a small moment of happiness that belongs only to you. l think the Goddess lives in our humanity and not anywhere else.

Gwenwyfar- For many years, we prayed to fashion life within me. But it seems that God has not heard those prayers.
Lancelot- Perhaps He has heard but did not will it.
G- But what did He will instead? That a bastard child sprung from an incestuous bed should triumph over our tireless devotion.
L- They say His ways are unknowable.
G- Of course. l am too small to understand the will of God. Do you think I'm being punished for the night we spent together?
L- l don't think it's God who punishes us. l think we punish ourselves. Would it not be a comfort to believe just for a time that we create our own heavens and our own hells?
G- it would be a comfort. it would, Lancelot.
L- Maybe God does not grant you all the comforts you ask of Him but offers you others which you refuse to see. Maybe you should find the comforts He does offer you my dear lady, and accept them.

L- How could l forget?
G- So innocent we were.
L- l pray there is a heaven and that you would be an angel in it so when l die, we can be together at last.

Vivianne- l was behind you much of the way. l was proud and unforgiving.
Morgaine- l may have turned my back on you but my heart never turned.
V- l destroyed something between us in the name of the Goddess. Now l fear l have destroyed something else in her name.

Morgaine- Though Avalon had already rejected me l felt its strange power as it drew the dying king and l back towards its sacred shores. l began to doubt we would ever reach Avalon. Perhaps, for our disobedience we would be lost in this limbo of mist forever. Or perhaps, with Viviane's death it had simply disappeared......
Avalon faded from the world of men and only Glastonbury marked where its wonders had been.

 6 ) 注定消散的阿法隆


 7 ) 境界不高


 8 ) 永远的王·雾中的岛

《The mists of Avalon》(《亚瑟王传奇》/《阿瓦隆迷雾》)
不是今年那部票房惨淡的《King Arthur》(《亚瑟王》),而是2001年,根据魔幻小说家Marion Zimmer Bradley1982年的同名小说改编的迷你剧集。是属于目前为止,我所见到的对有关亚瑟王传奇及其人物体系交待最为丰富和完整的影视作品了。亚瑟、桂妮蔚、兰斯洛特、梅林、湖中夫人等等人物都有出现,并且如蟠龙在梅林协助下幽会伊格琳生下压瑟、亚瑟和姐姐摩根结合生下毛德列、兰斯洛特和湖中夫人的关系、毛德列轼父等平时罕见有出现的情节也一一交待,算是让我这个准亚瑟迷过了些瘾头。


其实这从片名《the mists of Avalon》已经可以了解,为什么不是《the mists of Camelot》?Camelot(卡米洛城)是亚瑟统一不列颠建立丰功伟业的城堡,而Avalon则是传说中亚瑟和毛德列决战后,灵魂归处的神秘岛屿。

Marion Zimmer Bradley大概就是从“三女王接归亚瑟”中得到了灵感,干脆以在传说中“云霞明灭或可睹”的阿瓦隆岛为源,把大不列颠王荡气回肠的征战史写成一段亦真亦幻的传奇。

阿瓦隆,隐藏在大雾弥漫的湖中,她是湖中夫人的居所,是女神的圣地。当基督教在大不列颠岛如火如荼的遍布开的时候,从前崇拜the Godness(女神)的人民纷纷投向the God(上帝),湖中夫人对未来的担忧、焦虑一天天的增加。为了维护女神的地位,她和梅林策划了蟠龙王和伊格林的邂逅,带走亚瑟同母异父的姐姐摩根教授其法术,协助亚瑟取得“削钢剑”,设计亚瑟和姐姐摩根乱伦生下毛德列……湖中夫人倾其一生乃至性命,皆是为了能让“女神”信仰在人世间永驻,能让传承Avalon血液的亚瑟和摩根在中土继续维护阿瓦隆的势力,能让女神的尊严在世间永远歌颂。



谁知道呢,谁又曾知道呢?The mists of Avalon!

导演:Uli Edel
编剧:Marion Zimmer Bradley (novel)/Gavin Scott (teleplay)
Anjelica Huston ..... Viviane
Julianna Margulies ..... Morgaine
Joan Allen ..... Morgause
Samantha Mathis ..... Gwenwyfar
Caroline Goodall ..... Igraine
Edward Atterton ..... Arthur
Michael Vartan ..... Lancelot
Michael Byrne ..... Merlin
Hans Matheson ..... Mordred




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迷雾湖泊,女性荒原。后段节奏加快,角色打造不细致,引子和前篇都有好看的元素。宗教和父权王庭进退维谷,神女最先被浪潮推向前,再摒弃。摩根、格温,甚至摩高斯都如出一辙,本该同呼吸的女性,被挑拨、嘲弄。不接纳命定的母权主旨,一朝将权力付托自身,则被冠上了恶名。Joan Allen表演最佳,不同于薇薇安夫人盛气凌人保全“神性”,或是摩根诚惶诚恐为人,她的残酷始终决绝

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