





珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.1珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.2珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.3珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.4珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.5珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.6珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.13珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.14珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.15珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.16珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.17珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.18珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.19珊瑚礁 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-07-24 11:49




 1 ) 2019流行色是活珊瑚橘?先关心下珊瑚吧!











迄今为止 标记看过的人数

















就在2018年12月PANTONE Color发布的当天,《追逐珊瑚》影片的脸书也转发了这个话题,不过只有11个评论,92个分享。














欢迎在 B 站或 Youtube 关注「小玄儿的深夜聊碟」








 2 ) Chasing Coral

作为渺小的人类一直被大自然的壮美所征服. 然后会被人类毫无节制的破坏力所震撼. 供养了海洋四分之一生物的珊瑚在以肉眼可见的速度白化. 从80年代第一次白化高峰到现在全球约有35%的珊瑚已经死亡. 纪录片到后面. 看着世界各地的白化严重程度. 给人的感觉就像海洋版电影<Contagion>活生生地上演. 海水升高2度就足以杀死斑斓绚丽的珊瑚. 试想一下要有多少CO2的排放才足以让这盆覆盖了地球面积71%的水升高这2度. 如果没有这片汪洋一直以来吸收大部分来自人类排放的热量. 如今的地表温度可能高达50°. 就算你没有亲眼目睹Great Barrier Reef至少也听说过她的美. 而这片34万平方公里的世界奇迹在以肉眼可见的速度死亡. 总觉得环境恶化全球变暖什么的好像不是我们这代人的事. 而以目前的速度发展下去20年后这片绚烂就会死亡殆尽. 这种速度难道不会让你觉得不寒而栗吗?

 3 ) 逐渐消逝的美丽



As long as I can influence people, I will. Because we have to. We've got no choice. Otherwise, you're not gonna like yourself when you're an old man. You'll think, you're gonna like yourself much more if you can say "well, I sure tried to turn that around. And maybe I did influence people here and there ."

 4 ) The incredibly beautiful phase of death

昨天刚收到的National Geographic的5月刊正好是海洋主题,今天就想看一部相关主题的影片,于是便找到这部关于海洋生物珊瑚的纪录片。

水下的世界真的令人大开眼界,其实关于海洋这个孕育生命的地方,人们了解和知道的实在是相对很少。其中项目的发起人更是提及,关于海洋最大的问题其实是“it is completely out of sight and out of mind”。我们并不能看见海洋此刻正在发生的问题,于是便从来也不会想到其中的利害,从而改变自己的生活方式以求降低对自然环境的伤害。此理也可以推及很多其他的领域,这就是为什么对于环境保护方面的宣传至关重要的原因,人们需要将目光延伸到很多我们日常生活中留意不到的地方。

看着珊瑚的生命在短时间内一点点地逝去,让人忍不住泪目之余,还有深深的震撼——看到珊瑚在濒死之际发出荧光的绚丽色彩,这无比绚烂之美就像是生命最后的呐喊一般,告诉人们“I AM DYING! PLEASE NOTICE!”

可能随着社会的高速发展,人类变得越来越自大,以及忘记了对自然的敬畏感。在这个钢筋水泥筑成的世界里,我们只看得到自己的生活里的快乐和烦恼。影片最后以一直刚出生的小海龟,努力地穿过沙滩,最终回归海洋的场景,定格到这么一句话:“This film is dedicated to all young people who can and will make a difference.” 相信这个世界上的一切都是有关联的,即便我现在没办法像世界各地的那些divers那样,去记录下正在死去的珊瑚,去更大地扩大这件事的影响力,但我还是可以一些力所能及的事。

遵循3R——reduce, reuse, recycle、节约用电用水、减少使用塑料制品、用nontoxic的化学剂、购买有机产品、还有要多留意护肤产品的成分表,我就曾经发现一个主打绿色环保的护肤品品牌的卸妆膏里居然含有微塑料、以及不要使用含有对海洋生物有害的成分的防晒霜(标有reef-safe/ reef-friendly)、尽量不要购买快时尚的服装、减少不必要的消费、去尝试更简单更eco-friendly的生活方式......



 5 ) The Magic Ocean——Scientists save corals











 6 ) Chasing Coral As An Example of Documentary Contributes to Education for Sustainable Development and The Duty of Engineers and Scientists

Education is a key tool for development and progress of human society. With the rapid progress of our society, technologies and social systems have developed as well. Education, as the most important part of human development, should live up to the requirements of present development. To this end, the requirements of present development need to be first stated briefly. After a science and technology boost in the 20th century, increasing industrial activities resulted in serious environmental problems. To combat these problems, sustainable development was introduced, which is the requirement of present development. It should be noted that the concept of sustainable development is evolving incessantly. Today, not only the environment but also other issues such as poverty and equality are included in the concept of sustainable development [1]. Therefore, for equipping people with skills and thinking of sustainable development, the new and adjusted education for sustainable development, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) was proposed by UN and gain a lot of importance. United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) and Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development were carried out to accelerate the progress of ESD. In these two actions, the content of ESD was enriched with many detailed goals and feasible approaches. Under the guidance of the two actions, driven by intrinsic need of sustainability, many countries have developed their own framework of education for sustainable development. Different technologies and advanced concepts of education are applied to impart the knowledge of sustainable development to students and strengthen their skills, critical thinking and systemic thinking regarding sustainable development. With the work done by governments and UN, great progress has been made of ESD [2,3 4].

As narrated above, great work has been done with ESD, including complement of the content of education, specific goals and applying new technologies. However, one element dose not get enough attention and that is the motivation of people who receive the education for sustainable development. With motivation, people would set their goals and pursue their goals with strong impetus. From a perspective of educational psychology, generating learning motivation is indispensable and it has high priority in practical education [5]. With high internal motivation of educatees, remarkable outcomes of education could be attained. The creativity and cognitive flexibility of educatees would be greatly improved [6] and these two traits are exactly required by ESD.

Integrating documentary into ESD as a potential creative approach to make up for the deficiency mentioned above is proposed in this essay. One example of documentary and some other advantages of documentary for ESD are discussed. Extending from the documentary that includes engineers and scientists, the role of them and industry in documentary and ESD is also discussed.

Documentaries as a form of video could contain text, graphics, animation and sound, all of which are the elements of multimedia. Multimedia teaching has been proved to be a very effective way of teaching. It helps stimulate students' interest and make students more active in class [7]. Therefore, documentary as one method of multimedia teaching is also able to have the same advantages mentioned before. But further properties should be discussed. Documentaries are not the videos that are usually seen on the class using animation to expound complex theories, but it is also a form of art and commercial products to tell the truth. As commercial products, it has very large audience. Everyone can see it in the cinemas, which means everyone can be the educatees. Documentary tells audience what happens in the real world in an artistic way. Most documentaries would not try to exaggerate the facts to attract people. Instead, different art technics are used to help give more powerful expressions combining with esthetic shots and matched background music, documentary is able to impress audience profoundly. In this way, people are more likely to recognize the facts and reflect more after the documentary [8].

Because of the diversity of documentary, many issues can be displayed and discussed in documentaries. All types of issues relevant to sustainable development are covered in documentaries that have been produced. For example, these three very recent documentaries, “Ruth Bader Ginsburg”, “Chasing Coral” and “Of Fathers and Sons” respectively correspond to equality, environment and education. They provide unique and profound perspectives that audience would not expect, but they are all based on facts and do reveal the issues of sustainability that should get more public attention. More discussion of “Chasing Coral” as an example would be conducted to show some good characteristics which enable this documentary fit into ESD.

Chasing Coral as a documentary records the rapidly bleaching and dying coral due to the rising temperature of ocean, see figure 1. This figure shows rising temperature clearly. When it comes to global warming, much attention is paid to the melting glaciers and rising sea levels. It is a rare and potent angle of looking into global warming. Coral form colorful sea worlds. As the famous Great Barrier Reef , It is very beautiful. However, few people know that it is being killed by global warming. Disappearance of such beautiful thing and novel perspective are able to strongly impress people.

Figure 1. Sea surface temperature anomaly

Global warming is still having an impact where we cannot see it and this is coral. In the documentary, scientists and engineers from various disciplines were invited to give analysis and prediction of coral spreading all over the world according to ocean currents and ocean water temperature warming. Some prediction is given by text, see figure 2. In this way, the predicted results could be impressing.

Figure 2. Prediction from scientists and engineers

Coral is very sensitive to the temperature rising, which would result in a great threaten on the living of coral. The famous Great Barrier Reef will probably have more extensive coral bleaching over the next few years and then die. Currently, 29% of the Coral Great Barrier Reef has died. What is more, coral is a fundamental part of a huge ecosystem and it is, in a way, just like the trees in a forest. Therefore, with coral disappearing, all other animals are also disappearing little by little in our marine ecosystems. Many contrasts are given in this documentary leaving very deep impression to audience.

Figure 3. Contrast of living and dead coral

Figure 4. Contrast of living and dead coral

In summary, in this documentary, starting from a rare perspective of dying coral, combing with scientific research process, showing scientific and rigorous graphics, texts and data, with beautiful sights into the coral, this documentary touches the audience and the audience feels encouraged to think about what they can do about this issues of the dying coral.

The role of scientists and engineers was emphasized in the documentary, see figure 5. They provide rigorous scientific evidence to support the facts and help explain the complex ecological processes in an acceptable way by the public. The participation of these people helps publics understand this documentary better.

Figure 5. Some scientists and engineers involved

Engineers also solve some technical problems, for example, setting a camera in the sea water to help shooting of this documentary.

Figure 6. A camera in the sea water

For this kind of documentary, the target group is not only students but all of society. As one type of commercial movie, it has been shown in the cinemas. Even in some undeveloped regions, open-air cinemas of low cost could be applied to play documentaries to realize this kind of public education. Combined with commercial activities, the film could be advertised widely to the public. Therefore, documentary could reach a large variety of people. Promoting sustainable development widely is exactly desired by ESD. Everyone could contribute to the sustainability of development, if they aware of the issues and motivated to be involved.

However, in a very long term, the youth are the people who can make a difference. They are motivated by the situation that should be changed and then build up their great ideals. They are receiving more advanced education for sustainable development. In the future, they are able to do some great work that makes great differences for sustainability. This is also emphasized in this documentary by the text as following.

Figure 7&8. Young generation is emphasized

Enlightened by this documentary and one example in the following discussion, some suggestions about how scientists, engineers and industry should be involved in ESD are proposed.

As mentioned in section 2.3, the scientists and engineers are involved in making this documentary. This is one example how they can promote ESD. Moreover, in this documentary, they brought their research results to the publics by speeches or other public activities. Especially after they retire from the academic or industrial positions, they have more time and could be involved in more educational public activities. The career of Dr. Jan Goodall is a very good example. After spending 38 years on researching on chimpanzees in the wildlife, she traveled around the world, calling on people to protect wild animals and the earth's environment [9].

Scientists and engineers are the people who work at the forefront of sustainable development. They understand clearly what terrible things are happening. Precious experience and knowledge are built up on their minds. They do have ability to make publics aware of the sustainable issues and encourage them to get involved in sustainable development.

Engineers from industry represent the industry. Industry should participate in some educational public activities as well, such as making this kind of documentary mentioned before. However, if some documentaries tell the false information because of interest, scientists and engineers should stand out to against them. Industry should input sustainable ideas into their products by producing sustainable products in a sustainable way and tell customers how their products are sustainable. With their product sold to publics, by advertising their sustainable producing processes, the sustainable ideas could be prompted.

Documentary can be integrated in ESD. Not only in the classroom teaching, but it also can be widely shown in cinemas. It can make people aware of this issue and give people internal motivation to get themselves involved in this global issue of sustainable development. The young generation should be the main targets of those educational documentaries and also ESD. Because they will be equipped by advanced education to make a difference in the future. Scientists, engineers and industry can participate in different public educational activities for sustainable development. Scientists and engineers can still make huge contributions after they retire by getting involved in more educational activities for sustainable development, if they are willing and energetic enough.


1. United Nations. “The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2018.” (2018).

2. UNESCO. “Education for Sustainable Development Goals.” (2017).

3. Uspartnership.org., U.S. Partnership. URL: //uspartnership.org/

4. Dieter Appelt., et al. “Global Development Education: A Cross-Curricular Framework in the Context of Education for Sustainable Development.” (2017).

5. Slavin, Robert E., and Nicola Davis. "Educational psychology: Theory and practice." (2006).

6. Deci, Edward L., et al. "Motivation and education: The self-determination perspective." Educational psychologist 26.3-4 (1991): 325-346.

7. Joshi, Ashvini. "Multimedia: A Technique in teaching process in the classrooms." Current world environment 7.1 (2012): 33-36.

8. Nichols, Bill. Introduction to documentary. Indiana University Press, 2017.

9. Peterson, Dale. Jane Goodall: The woman who redefined man. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.



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大开眼界。人类发明出各种新技术却用来记录死去中的海洋真的太可悲了。个人觉得比逐冰拍得更好,那个叫 Zack 的小伙子也很可爱。希望能拿这届奥斯卡。没法在官网下到行动指南的内陆居民,总结一下你能做的:支持清洁能源;减少购买动物制品;减少一次性塑料;绿色出行;使用无氧苯酮的游泳潜水防晒剂。

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2017.6.18@ event,SFF2017。挺触动的。活在当下,潜水要趁早,做想做的事儿要趁早。

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